General conditions

These terms and conditions have been prepared to provide clarity about the services and the agreements associated with them. For questions or further clarification you can always contact us.

Article 1. General

1.1. These conditions apply to all offers, assignments, services, communications, advice, acceptances, deliveries, executions and work and further agreements of the driving school, except if and for insofar as the driving school declares otherwise in writing.

1.2. In all cases, in which by the driving school of a provision these general conditions is deviated, the other provisions remain in full force.

1.3. All offers are non-binding. The driving school is first bound after by its or its employees are confirmed in writing.

 1.4. Any order or registration confirmed by the driving school to the student is considered by its binding unless the confirmation within 5 days receipt is refuted in writing.

1.5 The applicability of any general conditions of the cursist is expressly rejected.

Article 2. Driving school obligations

The driving school is obliged there ensure for to ensure That:

2.1. the driving lesson is given by a qualified instructor which meets the requirements set out in the Dutch Motor Vehicle Driving Instruction Act (WRM);

2.2. the full duration of the driving lesson is utilized for the benefit of the driving instruction;

2.3. the student as much as possible drives in the same car and will take in basically also the driving exam in that car;

2.4 the application for the driving test has actually been submitted by the driving school - with payment of the applicable amounts and submission of the necessary documents - to the competent authority, no later than three weeks after the date on which in consultation with the student is decided that the driving test can be requested and on which the student has paid the costs of the exam to the Verkeersschool;

2.5. the own statement of the student tested is on correct provided data;

2.6. all necessary (company) insurance present are;

2.7. the student's attention is drawn to the fact that, as soon as there is a disqualification to the driving of motor vehicles, he/she to the driving school must report this .

Article 3. Obligations of the student

3.1 The student is required to follow all instructions given by the instructor during the driving lessons;

3.2 The student shall keep to the agreed time, date and place for the driving lesson and in case of non-appearance at the agreed lesson time without timely cancellation, shall pay the full lesson fee.

3.3 If the student appears late, the class time will be shortened by the amount of time the student was late. In this case, the full lesson time must be paid.

3.4 If a student is unable to attend, he or she will notify the driving school at least 24 hours before the lesson. In this case, no fees will be charged, and another appointment will be made for the lesson.

3.5 A driving lesson cancelled within 24 hours will be charged in full.

3.6 To apply for the theory exam, practical exam, intermediate test or other partial test, the student must authorize the driving school via to confirm the reservation of the exam

3.7 Before starting the driving course, the student shall provide all relevant information about his/her medical and/or psychological situation and medication- alcohol and/or drug use, which may affect the lessons and driving skills or driving license.

3.8 The course participant shall ensure that he/she has the necessary documents at the practical and theory exams of the competent authority. The driving school is not liable for the consequences if the student cannot take an examination due to the lack of the necessary documents.

3.9 If there is a disqualification from driving motor vehicles, the student is obliged to report this to the driving school. If the student fails to mention this, the driving school is not liable for this. authorize via to confirm the reservation of the exam.

Article 4. Payment

4.1 Unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing, the student is obliged to pay the agreed amount for the practical and theory lessons in cash. The costs of the textbooks for the practical and / or theory lessons must be paid in cash upon delivery, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing.

4.2 The driving school is entitled to adjust the lesson price during the term of the lesson agreement. In that case, the student has the right to dissolve the lesson agreement, which authority he/she can use up to 2 weeks after learning of the price change.

4.3 If a driving lesson is not paid in cash to the instructor, the student will receive an invoice. If this invoice is not paid within fourteen days, the student is in default without further notice. If the student is in default, he/she will owe interest of 1% per month from the due date of the invoice.

4.4 If the student fails to pay the amount due after a reminder, the amount will be increased by collection costs. The collection costs include both judicial and extrajudicial costs. The extrajudicial costs are at least 15% of the amount due.

4.5 In case of late payment by the course participant, the driving school has the right to suspend or dissolve the relevant agreement and all further agreements concluded between the parties, but not or only partially performed, or at least to consider them as dissolved without judicial intervention and without prejudice to the right to claim compensation for damages, lost profits and interest.

4.6. The student can then no longer derive any rights from that agreement, while any payment arrangements have lapsed and payment for assignments already carried out is due immediately and in full. Any agreed discounts will also lapse.

Article 5. Application for practical examination, re-examination, interim test

5.1. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the costs for the purpose of the examination application must be paid to the driving school in cash and simultaneously with the completion of the necessary documents and the self-declaration.

5.2. If the driving test is cancelled due to the student's vacation, the student will be responsible for the cost, unless the vacation period is specified to the driving school at the time of the exam application.

5.3. After verbal or written announcement, the driving school is entitled to pass on interim price changes of the theory exam or the practical exam.

Article 6. Practical examination

6.1. If the practical exam cannot take place due to absence of the student because he/she failed to specify his/her dates of absence when applying for the exam, the student shall bear all resulting costs.

6.2. If the appropriate authority does not allow the driving test to take place on the agreed date and time due to inclement weather conditions, the driving school may charge the student one class hour for the test to be re-set.

6.3. In case of insufficient driving skills of the student, the driving school may decide to refuse or postpone the examination

Article 7. Termination of the teaching agreement.

7.1. If the agreement is not entered into for a number of lessons, both the driving school and the student have the right to terminate the lesson agreement prematurely. A notice period of one month must be observed and this by the first day of a calendar month. This period may be deviated from by mutual agreement. If there is an already prepaid amount, the student is in this case entitled to a refund of any prepaid amount, less the examination fee already paid to the competent authority, lessons already taken and administration costs. The student is not obliged to take lessons during this cancellation period, provided that the provisions of Article 3.3 are met.

7.2. If the agreement is entered into for a fixed number of lessons or a fixed period, the student can only terminate it for such urgent reasons that he can not reasonably be expected to continue, under the obligation to pay the price of one lesson increased by the administrative costs. If the amount is paid in advance, the driving school will refund the amount due minus the examination fee paid by him/her plus the already received driving lessons and administration costs minus any discounts.

7.3. The driving school can terminate the lesson agreement only for reasons of such urgency that the driving school cannot possibly be expected to continue it under the repayment to the student of those (lesson) fees for which the driving school has not yet performed.

7.4. The agreement is immediately terminated by the possible death of the student.

7.5. Upon termination of the lesson agreement, the student is in all cases entitled to a refund of examination fees paid to the driving school in the amount of the rate set by the competent authority, insofar as the driving school has not already remitted these funds to that competent authority. Only in the case of examinations booked by name, the right to a refund expires.

Article 8. Indemnification

The driving school indemnifies the student against third party claims resulting from collisions, collisions or overruns during the driving lesson, as well as during the practical exam unless;

  • the student misbehaves in such a way that the traffic violation or collision occurs despite intervention by the instructor;
  • the student is under the influence of narcotics, alcohol, or drugs that may affect driving ability during the driving lesson and this is evident after a violation or collision;
  • the student was disqualified from driving and concealed it.
  • the student provided or concealed false information about his or her medical limitations.

Article 9. Liability

The liability of the driving school is at all times limited to the amount for which is insured and for which actual coverage is provided. The driving school is never liable for any indirect costs and/or damages arising from or related to the lesson agreement.

Article 10. Complaints

The student who has complaints about the agreement, training or services offered should make them known to the persons concerned on the spot, in order to give them the opportunity to try to resolve the complaints on the spot. If the complaints cannot be satisfactorily resolved, the student may submit them in writing to the management
of the driving school.

Article 11. Mediation scheme

11.1. If a dispute has arisen between the student and the driving school with respect to the present obligations, the student may invoke mediation arrangements, after the student has first turned to the driving school and this has not resulted in a resolution of the dispute.

11.2. Mediation will be provided by ARAG Legal Services, PO Box 187, 3830 AD Leusden. ARAG Legal Services will mediate the dispute and will attempt to resolve the dispute in a manner suitable for both parties in accordance with mediation rules which will be made available to both parties.

11.3 Recourse to mediation must be made in writing within a period of four weeks after the dispute has arisen.

11.4. Mediation that has taken place does not prevent the driving school or the student from choosing to have the dispute settled by the ordinary courts.

Article 12. Applicable law and competent court

12.1. Dutch law applies to this agreement.

12.2. All disputes arising between the parties in connection with the present agreement and its execution will be submitted exclusively to the competent court of the seat of the driving school.